Cheap Vanilla Pudding for the Win

We’ve discovered over the past few days that generic, heavily-processed, preservative-filled, plastic-encased vanilla pudding is the ONE thing I can tolerate best.  When even water can sting, somehow the vanilla pudding doesn’t.

There’s been a comical amount of effort in recent days – with valiant attempts by C, friends & neighbors – to see if something more homemade, more organic, less processed (or, even, with ANY nutritional content at all), or not packaged in single-serving plastic might be a substitute, but my tongue has sent a clear message.  Cheap vanilla pudding is the winner.

Symptom plateau? 

I’m also happy to report that I feel like I’m reaching a plateau in symptoms.  Some things seem to be less hard today than the past few days.  It might just be I’m more effectively medicated (which I am), but I do suspect the increase in symptoms could actually be turning around.

My neck skin, where it was burned from the radiation, definitely looks better.

My radiation oncologist mentioned that tongue cells regenerate every 8 days, so presumably the cells showing up over the past day or two have not gotten zapped with radiation, and have a better chance of growing properly.  Hopefully all the T-cells are busy heading towards my mouth, cleaning up the mess, and creating space for fully healthy cells to flourish.  Is that how it works?


Naps are the best. They provide an extra chance for my body to rest, for cells to do their healing magic. Also, if I let myself nap whenever I feel a little tired, that means SO many plans are tentative. For those of you who know me, I’m sure you realize how different this is for me. What a different rhythm to my day! Cancer gives a person all sorts of unforeseen learning opportunities.

Thank you!

I really appreciate all the ongoing support, prayers, good wishes, meals for C, errands, and rides.  I’m so fortunate to have such a loving and caring community helping me get through this.  Sending you all lots of love back.

About blenderninja

In fall 2010 I was diagnosed with oral cancer on my tongue. Cancer? Seriously? Shit.
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4 Responses to Cheap Vanilla Pudding for the Win

  1. Lisa says:

    Sometimes all you need is a few preservatives…. So glad you found something comfortable to eat, and so glad your symptoms may be plateauing!

  2. Jennifer Raikes says:

    I love the image of the t-cells zipping towards your mouth to work their magic. xoxo

  3. Peter Bluford says:

    Hilarious. The blender- and anti-industrial chemicals ninja is temporarily laid low by the universal need for food that is comfortable to eat. I wish you peace, rejuvenation, happy eating and–if this is mediated by preservatives–so be it!!! xxoooxxx

  4. Owen Hershey says:

    Loving these positive developments! Cheap vanilla pudding and symptom plateau = muy bueno! Thank you for continuing to post and share your experience with us R—. We are all here with you, sending love and healing energy! Hugs!

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