Symptoms kicking in

Well, symptoms have definitely started kicking in. It’s pretty unpleasant.

There’s low-grade discomfort in my mouth constantly. Foods have started tasting different. A metallic taste is present all the time. My saliva has stopped working so well (dry mouth is called xerostomia). Mouth sores are appearing in new places. As of yesterday afternoon I feel pain with swallowing.

Everything is expected to keep getting worse, until a couple weeks after treatment. I bet in 2 weeks I’ll long for the modest sensations I’ve got at the moment. Ha!

It’s time for me to start figuring out symptom management: what rinses and medications and approaches I’ll use to manage all these discomforts. It’s daunting, but also, I know I can get through it.

Keeping up my food and calorie intake will be a primary goal.

Overall, I recognize I’m fortunate in so many ways, but and also this sucks. It’s hard to balance those — just like in non-cancer times. Same patterns, same challenges. I’m still me.

One day at a time.

Photos of plants from our yard: aloe blooms about to pop, a cutting of aloe for use on my skin to reduce radiation burn, and a bouquet of home-grown calla lilies and (volunteer) feverfew.

About blenderninja

In fall 2010 I was diagnosed with oral cancer on my tongue. Cancer? Seriously? Shit.
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14 Responses to Symptoms kicking in

  1. Debra Zussman says:

    I’ve been thinking of you. I’m sorry your symptoms have started increasing. I feel confident that if you were able to get through the postop mouth pain, you’ll be able to handle this challenge as well. I hope I’m right. I love your flowers and I love you.

  2. Janice says:

    I wish there was something I could do to help. Praying the discomfort will ease and the time will go quickly

  3. Mia Ragent says:

    The but/and is such an important perspective! I hope you feel comfortable leaning into that because what you’re describing does sound like it *sucks.* Hoping you find a rinse or other antidote soon that helps soothe and minimize these symptoms. ❤

  4. Allen Samelson says:

    Thinking of you, R—, and I hope you feel the support and love of your community. You will make it through this challenge! 💓 -Allen

  5. Lisa Feldman says:

    Holding you in my thoughts.

  6. Anna says:

    This sucks! Big warm hugs for you, R—.

  7. Sandra Rosenblum says:

    Gah- I’d hoped that the side effects would take longer to appear. Thinking of you and sending you strength.

  8. tammysantiago2015 says:

    So sorry you are experiencing the negative side effects from the radiation treatments!!! Your attitude seems positive and that will make a big difference in your recovery 🌸. Rest often and drink lots of water! Praying for you!

  9. sabina says:

    Thinking of you and enjoying the lovely plant pictures.

  10. Rachel Z says:

    Oof. Sounds so hard. Cancer sucks. And yes, you’ll get through it, but I wish you didn’t have to deal with all of this. Sending a big hug…

  11. Diane Wirtschafter says:

    Shamati. Hang in there and continue to trust yourself. You are strong. We love you and are sending you deep breaths.

  12. rkaplan12 says:

    R, thinking of you and hoping today is a good day.

  13. Joninna Simpson says:

    Thanks for the updates. I’m glad to know how you’re doing, and so sorry the discomfort and pain are increasing. Thinking of you, and hoping the times passes quickly.

  14. Owen D Hershey says:

    You’re very much on my mind, R—. Sending you all the best healing vibes, and support for the patience that you have to have. This will end, and you will feel better soon.

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